Weekly Twihard Twi[whateveryouwanthere] Video

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Friday, January 1, 2010

Jacobism? Is This on the Rise? [DEATH TO TWILIGHT]

You are probably wondering what's next with this stupid fanaticism.

If there is a "Cullenism"... Why not make a "Jacobism"? I guess people who favored Jacob (Team Jacob, the "Jacobites" as I say) will want their own stupid little "ism" as well. I've also seen "Jacobism" referred to as "Blackism" (Jacob Black).

BUT WHY STOP THERE? There are other characters to the story and I'm sure each one has at least one of their own little TwiTard communities, crushes, and followers.

It isn't enough to slurry the Lycan name, but put it in a book for obsessive, habit-forming idiots and stuff like "Cullenism" will appear.

I've already seen scattered talk/posting of a forming of a Jacobite society or something.

The "Team Jacob" thing is just a phase... wait till the little catepillar blossoms into an annoying, ugly little butterfly called "Jacobism" or something worse... Here's a Yahoo! Answers question that asks "Team Edward or Team Jacob?". Posted about two or three days before this here post.

Here's a Team Jacob website at PickaPoppy that tries to make Jacob seem hardcore. They actually dog on Edward Cullen the Sparkling Douchebag. They are only 4 members strong, but remember how Twilight itself started out--an obscure work of fiction kept indoors by hyper schoolgirls and sad middle-aged women and whatever falls between. "Team Jacob: Cause Real Men Don't Sparkle"? Please! Get a grip and stop obsessing over crap movie actors.

I think I've found the biggest Team Fake Lycan Jacob Team ever: Team Jacob @ Weebly. These guys have a huge forum devoted to that crap. It isn't private lmao. All the links are DEAD but the forums. Go figure.

I am so glad Oprah retired before she could recommend this book--chances are she would have--and once Oprah Says, they do... times a billion.

**Isms and Groups:

-KStewartFan.org Fansite: a Kristen Stewart fansite, and ultimately, a "Team Bella"


Oh.. ha ha.. ho ho ... hee hee... I bet you are laughing, having fun with it...

The Lord's Prayer.

I'm not exactly religious (hahaha NOPE), but... the Lord's Prayer? Why the semblance a Twilight prayer to that of the Lord's Prayer??? Can't just make a simple rhyme scheme like a schoolkid, a seemingly harmless fad? No. They can't (or the creator anyway).

Put it in the likeness of the Lord's Prayer to evoke some kind of hierarchy and false holiness... LMAO I'll laugh at that too actually. Read what I found from the Cullenite at TwiFans:

"Sometimes love finds us when our hope is fading, and the Twilight is setting in. It leads us safely through the darkest nights when the New Moon fills the cloudy skies. As it blossoms and grows, it's sparkling light is enough to Eclipse the brightness of the Breaking Dawn

Our Edward
Our Edward, who art in Forks,
Hallowed be thy sparkles.
Thy Volvo comes,
thy will be fast,
on Earth as it is in the meadow.

Give you this day our daily blood,
and forgive us our heartbeats,
As we worship Carlisle for giving you life.
Lead us into tempation,
and deliver us to you.

For thine is the Vampire,
the music and the hotness,
forever and ever.

A- Edward!

Yeah... waaaaay too much thought into that huh? Why dude? Just why?


HA. If you like Twilight and you are here to suggest something, comment on something, question me or something, or even troll THIS blog, then GET A MOVE ON... Then again... What DO you have to say??? L-0-L

I was thinking about making a little sidebar post like you see on the right that highlites other people's blog posts/sites, not just limiting to comments. You may still leave comments though, if you prefer. If you want to have your Anti-Twilight post featured in the side bar, email me at "lespaul_loverfive@yahoo.com". Give me a link to the post (include the title too if you want me to write it in a specific way, otherwise i'll label it as you initially labeled your post) and your name (does not have to be your real one, but one you want people to recognize as author). Thanks.

What say you?

Why Do YOU Hate Twilight?

Why do you hate Twilight? My reasons were pretty much the reasons stated on the Welcome page.

I'm curious to know yours. Don't matter if you are not very good at English.

Post your comment(s).


In addition to those things stated on the Welcome Page:

1. "Edward Cullen" is NOT a vampire; vampires do NOT sparkle.

2. Twilight is a work of fiction. A (horrible) series of literature/filmography. Nothing more. Actually, calling it "literature" would be heresy.

3. Twilight is NOT (supposed to be) a religion.

4. The cast of Twilight are HUMAN BEINGS PAID LOTS OF MONEY TO ENTERTAIN. They are not gods.

5. Twilight sucks.

6. TwiHard Fans suck.

7. Use common sense and judge reality from SURreality.

8. Twilight is nothing to cry over.